Command governor supervisor scheme based on region of attraction
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Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais / Universidade Federal de São
João del-Rei
Physical systems are subject to constraints, like input saturation or physical limits to the states, which also appears on each switched system mode. One way of dealing with them is to apply the Command Governor scheme, which changes the controller’s reference to enforce constraints. When the system is a switched one, the problem of stability arises. Switched systems are a common kind of system used to describe non-linear systems by dividing them into linear sections or different modes of operations of the same system, like the different phases an airplane goes through during take-off or landing. However, arbitrarily switching the modes of a switched system can cause instability, requiring a switching rule design. The most commonly used rule is the dwell-time switch, in which the system waits for a dwell-time to elapse after the references changes to switch modes. Seeing the possibility of speeding up such systems’ convergence, we propose a new rule based on the controller’s Region of Attraction, which requires the system’s state to be inside the mode’s controller’s Region of Attraction to switch, guaranteeing stability after a mode switch. With this technique, we also propose a hybrid switch technique, which can further speed up convergence and generate lower actuator effort in some cases. We present some simulations to illustrate the proposal’s potential and compare it with a scheme exploiting a dwell-time approach. The results suggest that our approach adds new CG and supervisor design possibilities, reducing the transition time between system modes and improving the closed-loop performance indexes.
Command Governor, Sistemas de tempo discreto, Sistemas chaveados, Estabilidade de Lyapunov, Região de atração